Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #581: The Formula for Doing It Well

One of the things that comes up in coaching sessions with any music radio air talent is not just doing it, but “doing it well.”

It’s easy to wonder what key ingredients add up to accomplishing that. So here’s how it works:

Keep things short. This isn’t about a word count or how many seconds something takes. It’s about not adding words to sound more important.

Keep things simple. Make it easy to follow. Too many details, or parenthetical phrases will inevitably add up to unnecessary “side roads” in your Content. Always imagine the listener in the car, with his or her head on a swivel trying not to get crashed into by some distracted driver. The last thing anyone needs is something that takes too much time to follow.

Keep it short + Keep it simple = Doing it well.

Frost Advisory #724 – If Our Format Can Be So Transformative Why Are Our Stations So Ordinary?

This week I’m jumping on a big airplane to share some nifty ideas with a group of your CCM radio sisters and brothers. In case you weren’t invited, I’ll give you a tease.

A while back I was trying to hire a major market pro to do the morning show in a really big market with very tall buildings. Although we had never worked together directly I did trick him into being the image voice for a bunch of my stations.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #578: The Two Goals When You Open the Mic

It’s very possible to become overwhelmed by what you’re required to do by the higher-ups. Research studies, guidelines for Content, listener profiles that only provide one side of the equation, etc. can hamstring an air talent to the point that you can feel like there’s nothing you can say. Or you second-guess things, wondering if you’re meeting the sometimes lofty guidelines that are presented to you.

So, let me simplify things for you. Continue reading