A LOT of time is spent in my coaching sessions dwelling on the Emotion behind what the Talent says, rather than what the subject matter is.
Here’s why: Continue reading
A LOT of time is spent in my coaching sessions dwelling on the Emotion behind what the Talent says, rather than what the subject matter is.
Here’s why: Continue reading
A decade ago friends and former co-workers joined together to celebrate the life of the greatest leader I’ve ever known. If you’ve every hung around me or Alan Mason or Tommy Kramer for very long you’ve heard us bring up the name of Bud Paxson. There’s a reason for that.
Continue readingIf you play a song I love, I’ll listen.
But, when you get into Content, if you can’t reveal something that you and I have in common, I’m not going to listen to you very long.
It’s sort of like dating someone you’re head-over-heels for, but they just kind of like you. That’s not the basis for a great relationship.
Oh, the irony! In a format all about belief, few CCM stations ever declare what they believe.
As a result most stations are simply a commodity rather than a distinctive brand.
If your station is known simply for the characteristics inherent in the music you play, you don’t have a brand. Your station is not distinct from nor preferable to other stations that play the same music.
Continue readingEarly in my career, I lucked into having a tremendous mentor in the great Howard Clark.
My early, feeble attempts to “entertain” were a litany of way-too-long setups for what usually proved to be pretty lame punch lines.
Having spent more than twenty years working with radio stations in Southern California it is frightening to watch the wildfires destroy homes, neighborhoods, and lives. From Santa Monica to Pacific Palisades to the beautiful drive up through Malibu on the Pacific Coast Highway I react with the perspective that I’ve been there and have friends there.
A reminder: the recent wildfires in Southern California show us that with every event heroes emerge.
Continue readingOkay, we’ve gotten Christmas and New Year’s over with, we’re all going to try to lose 10 pounds, and now we have to settle down and go to work.
So here’s a challenge for you in this next year: Try something different; something you’ve never done before. Continue reading
I reckon’ the most common New Year’s resolutions are about losing weight, quitting smoking, and getting more exercise.
What if we took those three ideas and applied them to our radio stations?
Continue readingFor any young air talent, the key to a successful career is simply how to find out what really works for you, so you don’t (1) sound like everybody else, and (2) you’re not predictable.
So how do you accomplish this? Pretty simple, actually: Try stuff.