This week I’m jumping on a big airplane to share some nifty ideas with a group of your CCM radio sisters and brothers. In case you weren’t invited, I’ll give you a tease.
A while back I was trying to hire a major market pro to do the morning show in a really big market with very tall buildings. Although we had never worked together directly I did trick him into being the image voice for a bunch of my stations.
He was terrific! And had his own headphones! He checked all the boxes: a man of faith (a PK in fact), and had his own personal ministry, but there was one hurdle he couldn’t jump over. He’d never done a show on a CCM station – didn’t know Phillips, Craig, and Dean’s first names and all that secret handshake kind-of-stuff about Halloween and Santa Claus.
We can be a curious bunch to those on the outside, don’t cha know!
As we were getting closer to putting together a deal, I think he had had enough of my sales pitch for the format, he turned directly to me and said,
“If the format can be so transformative like you say, why are the radio stations so ordinary?”
Gulp. I didn’t have a snazzy answer but I knew I needed to come up with one.
This week at our shindig I’ll ask the questions my friend needed answers for.
We have the potential to transform someone’s mindset into being a better husband, a wife, or a mom or dad when they get home after a hard day at work and an exhausting drive home in bumper-to-bumper traffic…
…what transformation do we hope will take place?
What do we want fans to say after they listen to the station? Answer that question and you’ll embrace the power of transformational radio.