Frost Advisory #389 – Givers And Takers: A Thanksgiving Message

Givers and takers.

When you think about the people that have had the greatest influence on your life I reckon’ you’d say they were GIVERS.

“The human spirit senses and feeds on a giving spirit… Think about what Jesus taught – half the time people didn’t know what he was talking about, but they listened attentively.  Jesus was giving – feeding them.  Not taking.  It is at a spirit (heart) level – he wasn’t just giving information.”
~John Maxwell

I wonder, then, why many Christian radio stations are perceived to be TAKERS, always asking their listeners to give them something.  In fact, there are some managers whose voice is never heard unless they have their hand out.

“Hello.  Nice to meet you.  Give us money.”

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not against radio stations raising money.  But there is a profound difference between wanting something from your listeners and wanting something for your listeners.

Wanting something from your listeners is all about you; your budget, your goals, your station operation.  Wanting something for your listeners is inviting them to participate in what God is doing through your station and hearing the stories of lives being changed.

“The best ministry we can offer on God’s behalf isn’t to explain our theology.  It’s to extend our generosity.  Because that’s what our heavenly Father did for us.  And that’s what he’s asked us to do as well.”
~Andy Stanley

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