All posts by John Frost

John has been a successful major market DJ and Program Director for such companies as CBS, Gannett, Cap Cities, Westinghouse, Multimedia, and Sandusky and publishes the Frost Advisory.

Frost Advisory #560 – Love What Your Listeners Love: A Mother’s Day Programming Lesson

I heard someone play the violin this morning in church. I love the violin, but for a different reason than you might think. I love the violin because my mother loved the violin.

“Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is if they are showing you the way.”

Donald Miller, “Blue Like Jazz

It’s my guess that almost everything you love is because someone else loved it first. Whether it’s going to the ballgame with dad, or learning how to make your mom’s apple pie, or the family gin rummy game after dinner.

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Frost Advisory #559 – It Needs More Salt: The COVID-19 Edition

These are interesting times.

I can’t recall a time where our country was more polarized. Whether it’s politics, race relations, face masks or where your elderly mother can get the vaccine, it seems like we’re regularly ducking for cover. Even the MLB All-Star game is controversial, and that is mom and apple pie stuff.

What in the name of Dr. Fauci is going on?

So, how do we stay relevant in our mission while also handling the inevitable complaints?

When we hear criticism about our station we often react in a way that is absolute. There is a complaint about song and we yank it from the playlist. Someone criticizes a comment from a deejay and we make her write “I will not try to be relevant” on the blackboard a hundred times. A general manager once told me he had so over-reacted to every complaint that his station had little worth listening to anymore.

Consider this.

Rather than react in absolutes where SOMETHING MUST BE DONE RIGHT THIS MINUTE, consider the complaint as if a customer in a restaurant had just asked for more salt. They are simply telling you how they would like prefer their food; not anyone else’s food – THEIR food. Even with a politically charged topic they are really just sharing how they see things, not suggesting that you should go out of business.

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Frost Advisory #558 – The Search For The Silver Bullet

We added a new jingle package and our ratings went up!

We ran that new promotion and our ratings went down.

I know of a general manager that wanted to change the shifts of the deejays based upon weekly or monthly ratings. I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP, as Dave Barry would say.

Our minds crave simplicity. We crave the Silver Bullet.

“People are drawn to black and white opinions because they are simple, not because they are true. Truth demands serious effort and thought.”

Donald Miller
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Frost Advisory# 557 – The Power Of Names, Names, Names

Just this week I found out a friend’s middle name is the same as my first name. But wait… wait… there’s more!

We also discovered that my middle name is the same as his first name. We’ve known and worked together for most of ten years and we never knew.

How do your listeners get a sense that your station has lots of listeners? Because they hear lots of listeners. It’s like an audio version of a crowd shot.

Trust me. I’m going somewhere with this.

In their book “Made to Stick,” Chip and Dan Heath share the story of a newspaper with a remarkable 100% circulation rate: everyone in his small town reads it. The publisher’s country wisdom was simple: “Names, Names, Names,” reasoning that people read his newspaper because they wanted to see their own names (or someone else’s).

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Frost Advisory #556 – What Is Your Radio Station FOR?

Perhaps you’ve heard it said that the church is known more for what it is against than what it is for.

“A business is no longer what it tells customers it is. A business is what customers tell other customers it is.”

In his book “Know What You’re For,” Jeff Henderson recommends that you consider the gap between these two questions:

  1. What do you want to be known for?
  2. What are you known for?

The gap between the two answers will illuminate how your station moves from a transactional relationship with your listeners to one that is more relational.

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Frost Advisory #555 – A Programming Lesson From Easter

They say there are more “religious” radio stations than any other format category. They also say those religious stations have fewer listeners than any other. Having worked in the format for more than twenty years now I’ve believe the reason is fairly obvious.

A radio station cannot grow unless it is designed to grow. And that requires a different kind of thinking. Strategic thinking.

A growth strategy is one that incorporates big picture concepts such as:

  • Why does the radio station exist?
  • Who are our listeners?
  • What do they desire and expect from our station?
  • Who and where are other people like them?
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Frost Advisory #554 – Your Listeners Are Tuning Out! Why Don’t You Care?

We radio folk tend to think of tune out as a benign little concept akin to teenagers button pushing looking for the latest Taylor Swift song. While that does happen and we should do our darnedest to minimize programming that results in tune out, there is a far more ominous idea lurking in the bushes.

Some people leave a brand and never come back.

A friend of a friend told me that when people leave a car brand they seldom come back. Eek! Specifically, when folks have an accident they are far less likely to purchase that brand of car again. Maybe it’s partly psychological (“It’s the car’s fault”), or maybe it’s the potential embarrassment of the folks at your dealership pegging you as the one that side-swiped the delivery truck of kumquats headed toward the orphanage. (There’s a sentence you don’t see real often!)

What if we radio folk considered the seriousness of “tune out” as if the listeners were NEVER going to tune back in? That is, they were likely to leave the brand once and for all.

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Frost Advisory #553 – What We Can Learn From Texas

You’ve probably seen them. The clever little social media posts that say something like “Tell me you’re from Texas without mentioning Texas.”

There’s also…

“Tell me you love pizza without saying pizza.”

“Tell me you love baseball without mentioning baseball.”

You get the idea.

In our case, tell me that you reflect my values without saying you reflect my values.

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Frost Advisory #552 – A Programming Lesson From Daylight Saving Time

It was an hour that never existed.

We changed our clocks from 2 AM to 3 AM. Rod Serling might say, “Imagine if you will that one hour never existed. No babies were born. No one died. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!”

That hour doesn’t matter.

Waiting through the first part of a boring movie. You hope it will get better.

Sitting down at a restaurant. The waiter is slow to come over. Minutes tick by without giving your drink order. You hope it will get better.

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Frost Advisory #551 – They Make No Money When Stuff Sits On The Shelf

What’s the best time to buy Christmas decorations?

Yep! AFTER Christmas!

Ever wonder why Valentine Day’s cards are half price AFTER Valentine’s Day, appliances at cheapest after the big Labor Day sale, and car dealers are eager to sell to you at $100 over invoice?

It’s because they don’t just make money off of selling stuff, they make money off of MOVING stuff.

They make no money when stuff sits on the shelf. And it takes up the space that could be used for something that MOVES.

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