Category Archives: Frost Advisory

Frost Advisory #730 – The Stuff Between The Songs

I recently went to a concert by an artist I really enjoy. I walked away disappointed.

Compare that to the first concert I went to after COVID. This was a group I had never seen before and they performed only covers from another era. The show was an absolute blast.

You might be thinking that the difference was the music. Nope, both concerts featured music I know and enjoy.

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Frost Advisory #729 – What We Can Learn From Back To School

I knew it would take me longer to get there but I really didn’t mind. The streets around my house would be lined with cars either moving at the posted 25 MPH speed limit, or not at all. But that was okay.

I knew Miss Shirley would be there at the crosswalk, the cheery octogenarian who last year tripped at a shopping mall and knocked out her front teeth. We didn’t see her for many months but every day the school children would ask, “How’s Miss Shirley?”

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Frost Advisory #728 – Few Decisions Are Simple

We make decisions every day. The question is how we make good decisions based upon our limited experiences, biases, social styles, and relationships? (There are probably more but I ran out of ink).

“Few decisions are simple. In fact, simple decisions are better called choices. All decisions cut us off, separate us, from nearly infinite options as we select just one single path. And every decision we make earns us the favor of some and the disfavor of others.”

Dan B. Allender, Ph.D, “Leading with a Limp: Turning your Struggles into Strengths”
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Frost Advisory #724 – If Our Format Can Be So Transformative Why Are Our Stations So Ordinary?

This week I’m jumping on a big airplane to share some nifty ideas with a group of your CCM radio sisters and brothers. In case you weren’t invited, I’ll give you a tease.

A while back I was trying to hire a major market pro to do the morning show in a really big market with very tall buildings. Although we had never worked together directly I did trick him into being the image voice for a bunch of my stations.

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Frost Advisory #722 – A Programming Lesson From the 4th of July

The celebration of our nation’s 248th birthday can be a reminder of the transformational power of reflecting beliefs and values, and adopting common ground.

For 25 seasons I’ve had the best seat in the house as a semi-professional public address announcer for St. Louis Cardinals’ spring training and the minor league season that follows. That’s lots and lots of National Anthems, dizzy bat races, and seventh inning stretches.

Do you know what I enjoy the most? It’s when my voice is the cue for veterans and active service members to rise and be acknowledged for their service and sacrifice for our country. And, incidentally, that is when the ovation is the loudest.

What in the name of Thomas Jefferson does this have to do with programming your radio station?

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