What’s the best thing you’ve done on the air recently?
It’s a question I often ask air talent I work with, and one that always results in a long pause.
First, it makes people think about what they’ve done on the air recently (few do), and second, it makes them evaluate those things in the context of everything else they’ve done (most never do).
I’m privileged to work with some of the best morning teams in the format; Kevin and Taylor, Scott and Sam, Ellis and Tyler, and Steve and Amy. Each has worked together for at least ten years, some twenty, and at multiple radio stations together.
I’ve told them that their greatest strength is their greatest weakness. Their strength is that they are well-schooled in their individual roles, they know each other’s hot buttons, and they know what elements tend to do well. Their weakness? It’s real easy to do last week’s show, last month’s show, last year’s show.