My cousin recently shared how a charity in his hometown of Austin, Texas, “had the clever idea of sending out a blank ‘book’ and asked a few folks to create their fantasy book cover as an auction item. I loved the provocative experiment and wound up buying this cover back as a desktop catalyst for all sorts of reflective exercises.”
Cuzin’ Dan chose “Life, Love & Music” and selected “the photographic symbols that might highlight life chapters… love, loss, travel, art & music, friends, family and unique life experiences encouraged thoughtful and honest reflection.”
What would the “book cover” be for your radio station? For some, compiling the station of the year entry gives perspective on the most significant things accomplished during the year. The blood drive, the reuniting of families at Christmas, caring for widows and orphans, or helping single moms get a free oil change leap out as obviously far more memorable and meaningful than “27 percent more variety” liners, song to song segues, or that your station was the first to play Hercules and the Chicken Fat People’s latest song.
But where do we spend most of our time?
“It takes mental discipline to favor macro success over micro failure.” Jeff Luhnow, Houston Astros general manager
The second guessing and tinkering in reaction to erratic weekly and monthly ratings obscures our ability to focus on the real purpose of the station and those things that we would be proudest to put on the station’s “book” cover. Nothing legendary has ever come out of a discussion about weekly ratings.
Cuzin’ Dan concludes, “There’s no time like the present to accept the past, celebrate the life learning moments and pledge to make the most of the precious time we have left. We owe that opportunity to no one but ourselves. But, in making the effort, we’ll positively impact all around us.”