Frost Advisory #414 – Stop The Madness!

What do we say?

More people have been killed at schools so far in 2018 than have been killed while serving in the U.S. Military, so says the Washington Post.

Remember back when baseball and football games on TV were interrupted by some nut case running onto the field?

Then something changed.  The folks in charge of the telecasts decided to quit pointing the cameras at them.  The incidents stopped.

I don’t speak as a psychologist or counselor, as one from law enforcement, or even as a journalist.  I speak as a broadcaster that understands that our stations have impact and a responsibility.

The conditions that motivate people to commit these crimes is far more complex than I’m qualified to address, but I do know that somewhere… somewhere… is a cry to be known.

My friend Terry is involved with a region of hospitals.  He told me those facilities are put on alert if an incident occurs anywhere in the country, even thousands of miles away.  They know the likelihood for copycat crimes, directly connected to notoriety.

I recommend to my stations not to mention the name of the killer.  I also suggest they say why.

“The name of the alleged killer will not be said nor will his face be shown.  The only thing he deserves is justice.  His victims deserve far better.”

Anderson Cooper, CNN

Maybe we can’t solve this national crisis by ourselves, but we can make a decision to not to contribute to their fame.

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