Frost Advisory #571 – If Our Format Can Be Life-changing, Why Are Our Stations So Ordinary? Part Two

On last week’s show I asked… so if radio stations in our format all begin with the same general stack of tools (music, deejays, etc.), why are most stations ordinary while only a few are transformational?

Last week I shared how my friend Joe Battaglia and I partnered with Ken Blanchard, author of the best-selling “One Minute Manager” series, to develop the national radio campaign for “Lead Like Jesus.” As we brainstormed ideas, Ken shared his experience of training the ballpark staff of the Padres’ Petco Park in San Diego.

They began with the end in mind:

What do we want fans to say when they are leaving the ballpark?

After several hours of discussion, it was transformed to this specific idea…

“I want to come back and I want to bring a friend.”

That one sentence crystalized their definition of success. The staff then went to work on creating a ballpark experience that could influence the conversation toward that response.

We radio folks are somewhat good at thinking about WHAT we do but far less good in thinking WHY we do it. Perhaps we should ask…

“What do we want our listeners to say when they listen?”

Hopefully, we create programming elements for a reason, even if that reason is a lousy one, like “this is the music the boss wants to hear.”

What if we design those elements with intentionality, understanding that our stations have the potential to be transformational?

Our stations have the potential to transform someone’s mood. Or their attitude. Or perspective.

We have the potential to transform someone’s commute, so they won’t be late for work or get into an accident because of a traffic problems.

We have the potential to transform someone’s mindset into being a better husband, a wife, or a mom or dad when they get home after a hard day at work and an exhausting drive home in bumper-to-bumper traffic.


…when your listeners hear something on your radio station…

what do you want them to say?

Answer that question and you’ll embrace the power…

…that can make your station transformational.

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