Frost Advisory #644 – Christmas Is Our Common Ground

A successful radio station is built on a foundation of consensus. Listeners that have a common sense of worldview, of the purpose of life, of how to treat others. If there is no consensus there is no tribe.

Interestingly, a format is less about a station’s tactics and more about how effectively it reflects the common ground of the tribe.

This is even more crucial in the CCM format. And Christmas is that opportunity!

Sports stations will never have fans that aren’t also sports fans.

Country stations will never have fans that aren’t also country music fans.

Christian stations will never have fans that aren’t also devout Christians…


there is something else we have in common.

“We connect with people who interest us.
We have fun with people who know how to have fun.
We bond with people who believe what we believe.
But our deepest relationships are with people who have shared our pain.”

Roy Williams

CCM stations will never have more of an opportunity to build common ground than at Christmastime. What say we open our doors wide and invite everyone in?

After all even The Home Depot “goes Christmas.”

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