There are sights and smells from our childhood we never forget. I grew up in the home my grandfather built.
I can still remember the sound of the grow ups talking downstairs while I was upstairs pretending to go to sleep. I remember the sound of the grandfather clock at the bottom of the staircase chiming every fifteen minutes and chiming the specific number of times on the hour.
My grandmother also lived in our hometown. The sights and smells of her home are just as vivid.
I can smell her oatmeal cookies and I can see her living room couch. The cookies I loved but her couch I didn’t understand. Its pillows and cushions were very puffy and when you sat down the cushions would immediately flatten. My grandmother didn’t like that… SO… she wouldn’t let us kids sit on her couch.
I found that curious. My grandmother had a couch that she wouldn’t let anyone sit on. Isn’t that what a couch is designed for?
“Your systems are perfectly designed for the results you’re getting.”
Clay Scroggins
If your radio station isn’t getting the results you desire, maybe it’s not designed to.