Frost Advisory #675 – They Love You Because They Loved Something Else First

I first loved baseball because my dad loved baseball. In fact, my first game ever was a really big deal – I got to see my baseball hero Mickey Mantle get the first hit in the very first indoor baseball game at the Astrodome in Houston.

My dad simply said, “You should see this.”

I love classical music because my mother was a professional violinist and shared her love for classical music.

(Do yourself a favor and watch this remarkable video:

I loved watching the high school marching band because my daughter played the saxophone in it. I have even learned to bowl (not very well) because a dear friend loves bowling. In fact, he gave me my own bowling ball.

I love the way Donald Millers says it in “Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality”:

“Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself.”

People love your radio station because they love something else. In fact, Christian radio is the only music format where people are drawn to it because they love something else.

If you learn what that is you’ll unlock the secret to your station’s greatest opportunity for growth.

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