Frost Advisory #677 – The First Idea You Have Is Irrelevant

I just want to warn you this Frost Advisory is going to be a little different. But that’s okay because that is the point.

The CCM format is known for many good things; inspiring hope, encouraging people in difficult times, and offering a more eternal perspective.

But let’s face it, our format is not particularly known for being creative. We can all name well-known radio stations that don’t sound much different than they did twenty years ago.

This is not intended to be a criticism as much as a focus on opportunity.

So where does creativity come from? Well, it doesn’t come from staring at your computer screen and doing the same stuff you’ve done before. Creativity rarely comes from being in a vacuum. .

“I’ve learned that the first idea you have is irrelevant. It’s just a catalyst for you to get started. Then you figure out what’s wrong with it and you go through phases of denial, panic, regret. And then you finally have a better idea and the second idea is always the important one.”

Jessica Livingston, founding partner of Y Combinator.

But there is something else. Creativity is also a lot of hard work, and that’s where the process ends for many.

“You know what? Just write. Show up every day and write something. And keep writing. Even when you think you don’t have something to say, just do it. And wonderful things will happen.”

Paul McCartney

Stay tuned. In future Frost Advisories some ideas about helping your station be more creative. If I can think of any.

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