Frost Advisory #684 – Reaching Into The Toolbox Of Art And Science

Making decisions based strictly on data rarely works out.

Let’s take ratings, as an example. Making programming decisions based solely upon ratings is like driving with a GPS that shows only where you’ve been. It’s like driving your car while looking in the rear view mirror.

(Ratings can’t illuminate the three most important factors to making good programming decisions. See Frost Advisory #664)

Likewise, making decisions based strictly upon art can be just as misleading. I recently saw artwork for a billboard campaign that was very creative but had nothing to do with reinforcing the station’s strategy or benefit to the listener. Although the rendering of a rooster’s crown was rather nifty, I might say.

“This note has been gold for me. Understanding what each line means individually and then connecting them has proven to be a yardstick for me when prioritizing information. Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.”

Clint Hurdle, former major league manager and player

(I’ve cut out and posted this note on my computer screen so I can see it every day. A good idea, don’tcha reckon’?)

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