Frost Advisory #706 – The Chemistry Of Success

Remember chemistry class? Memorizing the table of elements. Learning about atoms.

A peek through the microscope at the periodic table of your radio station would reveal only two elements. MUSIC and WORDS.

MUSIC is the element that we think we’re all expert in. For one thing, we’re all fans of the music. (Program directors are often selected for this reason alone, but that is a Frost Advisory for another time).

WORDS, then, can be a little more complicated, but also the differentiator when several stations in the market are playing the same music.

At its simplest form WORDS should resonate with listeners’ values (“that’s me!”), with listeners’ expectations (“that’s what I listen for”), and in the language of their tribe (“it’s like being in a room with friends.”)

But far too often they don’t.

I could say more.

More next week. That’s a tease.

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