Frost Advisory #717 – A Memorial Day Thought: How Will Your Station To Be Remembered?

Memorial Day weekend is a time to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Maybe, just maybe, there is a legacy lesson for our stations.

How will your station be remembered?

Will it be remembered as the station that plays 25-minute music sweeps without any talk, OR that it helped your community to be a better place to live and raise a family?

Will it be remembered for precisely hitting the spot sets within “bow tie””” on the quarter hour for PPM, OR remembered for helping to transform people’s lives, either spiritually, emotionally, or as a reminder of the most important things in life?

Will it be remembered as the station with the Joke of the Day, OR one that honors moms and dads for the most important commitment they’ll ever make – raising their kids with values that make a difference in the world?

Now don’t get me wrong… there is nothing inherently wrong with a station having amusing little features that convey the station’s brand. In fact, having a good time is a key element in building relationships and welcoming new listeners…


…it doesn’t matter what you do if what you do doesn’t matter.

“If they made a movie about a man who wanted to buy a Volvo it wouldn’t be a very interesting movie,” Donald Miller observes in “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.”

He goes on to point out that many of us live our lives that way. I suggest that we don’t have to program our stations that way.

Today, you are creating your station’s legacy. How do you want your station to be remembered?

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