Frost Advisory #717 – Opinions Are Like Noses

“Opinions are like noses,” the saying goes. “Everyone has one.”

I like her voice! She sounds nasal! He’s funny. He thinks he’s funny.

Subjective opinions are inevitable in an industry that is a combination of music and art. The question is… how do we keep subjectivity from driving our most important decisions, staying clear of those being driven by the loudest voice or the one in the largest office?

I’ve found there are at least three unique areas that can be evaluated OBJECTIVELY:

Experience. You can’t expect a third grader to pass the bar exam. Our experience is a culmination of where we’ve been, who we’ve known, and what we’ve learned. I shudder to think of the limited perspective I could offer others if I’d have spent my entire career ONLY at KERC in Eastland, Texas. (I could dazzle with hospital dismissals and admissions).

Think of how limited your view would be if you had never worked beyond your very first station. Either you hire for experience or or you hire for potential.

Talent. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

“I’d rather have a lot of talent and a little experience than a lot of experience and a little talent.”

John Wooden

“All great masters have two things in common. First, they didn’t start off as masters. Second, they found a great teacher.”

Attitude. We’ve all known talented people who failed because they didn’t have a teachable spirit.

“The world is not changed by people who sort of care.”

Sally Hogshead

Experience can be gained. Talent is God-given but can be developed. Attitude is a choice.

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