Frost Advisory #748 – The “Best Of” 2024

Since everything from Time Magazine to Rotten Tomatoes to Rolling Stone compile their own “best of” list for the year, I figured I might as lob a pitch in that direction. Plus it will give me another week to contemplate my new year’s resolutions for Frost Advisory #749. (That’s a tease).


A word of confession. I’m the last person to be objective about which Frost Advisory is the Best of 2024. After all, a parent loves each of his children. So I decided to put that monkey on your back. Which Frost Advisory of 2024 did I received the most reaction to? It’s a little like evaluating your music decisions based upon what you hear from the request lines.

So here we go with the “Best of” Frost Advisories for 2024. And my dad really did say this.

Frost Advisory #720 – A Father’s Day Programming Lesson From My Dad

“You can do anything… once”

I often heard those words from my dad’s booming voice. His acknowledgment of his son’s innate desire to reach out and try new things, while also mindful of his adolescent son’s propensity toward immature decisions.

Those words served as a life lesson of accountability. But, you know what? Those words were also true. I COULD do anything… once.

So can your station.

Making programming decisions based strictly upon what you’ve already done is like driving looking in the rear-view mirror. It won’t get you anywhere but where you’ve already been.

“It doesn’t sound like my station”

…is the cry of the rear-view mirror and of a radio station that won’t adapt and grow.

This Father’s Day my dad’s programming lesson is a reminder that you can do anything… once!

It’s called innovation! Without innovation one thing is for certain. Your station will become one day older every day that passes.

And your audience may leave you behind.

Thanks, Dad.