A decade ago friends and former co-workers joined together to celebrate the life of the greatest leader I’ve ever known. If you’ve every hung around me or Alan Mason or Tommy Kramer for very long you’ve heard us bring up the name of Bud Paxson. There’s a reason for that.
I wrote this Frost Advisory ten years ago as a tribute to him. It’s just a relevant today, if not more so.
My friend Eric Rhoads of Radio Ink described Bud as “the smartest man he ever met.” Bud has been described as visionary, trendsetter, renegade, and innovator. He cared not about his critics nor about obstacles.
After going on a buying spree of thirteen stations in the Florida panhandle I asked him, “Bud, do you ever think about what you’re going to do with these stations when you get them?” He looked at me with that all-to-familiar sly grin and said, “That’s your problem.” ‘Nuff said! Roles clarified.
Bud’s innovations are legendary. He created a billion dollar TV shopping industry from what he learned selling lime green can openers on an AM radio station. He redefined radio consolidation by challenging the one AM/one FM per market status quo, and built a television network by building distribution first – dozens of UHF television stations that few wanted – then developed the programming; the opposite of what everyone else was doing.
Bud was a complex man with an unpredictable short fuse we referred to as “Bud quakes.” He was demanding and often difficult to work for, but those who endured knew they were on the ride of their careers.
One of Bud’s greatest leadership traits was summed up in the words “Bring me the bad news!”
He believed in dealing with problems head on. If he didn’t know about a problem he couldn’t do anything about the problem. His attitude set the tone for a culture of candor among his closest advisors, so much so that Alan Mason and I would often murmur, “I can’t believe he’s saying THAT to Bud Paxson!”
Since my six years of working for Bud I’ve seen numerous instances where people were hesitant to speak truth to leadership for fear of repercussion. Yes, even in Christian organizations. Perhaps even more so.
I’ve seen managers visit candidly with each other about their challenges but then remain muted in front of the big guy, the very person who could do something about it.
Trust was lacking, and the organization suffered.
Everything about Bud Paxson was big. His 6′ 6″ frame, his booming radio voice, his philanthropy, and his public demonstrations of his Christian faith through the founding of The Worship Network and frequent keynote speaking opportunities.
Notorious to some, a champion to others. Bud Paxson was never too big to lose sight that any organization is only as good as its ability to speak truth to leadership.
*I’m guessing that right now you’re thinking of someone that could benefit from this message. I hope you’ll do them a favor and share this with them.