Frost Advisory #484 – ‘Tis The Season To Be Boring

I couldn’t believe what I heard. It was a spot for a Christmas concert and they listed the songs they would be play.

Data. Data. Data.

No other format can touch such a deep place in the heart as ours, and yet we often sound like an IRS tax form as we convey data, data, data about this and that.

There is no promotion so brilliant that it can’t be made utterly ineffective by a laundry list of features.

Our goal shouldn’t be to inform listeners of all the facts; our goal should be to help our listeners care.

“Feelings inspire people to act. For people to take action, they have to care. To make people care about ideas we get them to take off their Analytical Hats.”

“Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath

So, if you still insist on doing Who, What, and Where, consider this emotional transformation…

‘Who’ becomes…

“who ELSE would enjoy this, too?”

‘What’ becomes…

“what does this mean to me?”

‘Where’ becomes…

“where else would I rather be?”

Don’t give me a list of the songs in the concert or features on your station, instead tell me a story of why I should care.

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