The reason that a product “everyone likes” will fail is because no one “loves it.”
Is content king, like everyone says?
If so, why do so many radio stations, producing content daily, sound so much the same? Why is it that radio stations produce so much content that isn’t unique, compelling or remarkable?
It’s because content isn’t king the way many produce it. Along with the overused “content is king” phrase should come the idea that content is crowned by the listener/user, not the provider. It’s only kingly content if the listeners see it that way.
Having content that’s king is a great aspiration, but you have to work very hard to make it so. The same old, worn out ideas isn’t going to do it. Playing “the best music” isn’t going to do it, because these days anyone can copy your playlist. Content that’s King has to be innovative, relevant, and emotional.
If not, maybe the phrase needs to be changed to “content is serf.”
Alan, your perspective on not all content is created equal, reminds me of the UK study from a few years ago about the increased happiness and energy that people get from listening to the radio. When it’s being done well, nobody can compete.