“Think about it: send SLASH receive. Email is the frenzied killer of proper communication.”
~Fennel Hudson, “A Writer’s Year: Fennel’s Journal No. 3″
Our email went down. For a couple of days. On and off.
I’d been thinking about a “no email Friday” or something like that, just to see what would happen. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such moaning, wailing and gnashing of teeth. It’s as if all communication had stalled!
I was smiling.
Yes, I use email too, but I really enjoy getting out of the chair and walking around to talk to people. And evidently, it’s more effective. In an online article in Inc, Jessica Stillman noted that a discussion face-to-face is more likely to produce a result than email. It’s easier to send an email, but less effective if you’re looking for a real solution for something.
We feel like we’re getting more done because we can dash off ten emails in a short period, and then think we’re effective. Then comes the follow-up questions, the explanations of what you meant, etc. What you could have done in one face-to-face turns into several emails.
Emails can be great to set an agenda or recap a discussion, but I’m not so sure the idea of managing your workday and trying to get solutions, from the inbox does what we think. The human factor is more effective and means we spend less time with the “reply-all” demon.