Frost Advisory #680 – A Programming Lesson We Can Learn From Chick-fil-A

Sitting in a drive-thru will never feel the same to me again.

Did ya know that Chick-fil-A has an entire facility in Atlanta devoted to hatching innovation? In fact, it’s called The Hatch. (It’s terrific when names reflect the possibilities that can happen there. So much better than Building A or Building B, don’tcha think?)

The walls at the Hatch are covered with photos of some of Chick-fil-A’s best customers. What a contrast to a radio station with walls adorned with gold records and photos of artists.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #532: Talking vs. Talking TO Someone

We’ve all heard the station that thinks talking LOUD works, and that people like that.
And we’ve all heard a massive number of air talents that just read stuff off a computer screen with no emotional investment at all. They rattle it off, then move on the next thing.

Shout, Rattle, and Roll.

These things, of course, do nothing for the listener. (Or a client or a sponsor.)

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Frost Advisory #679 – What We Can Learn From Back To School

I remember the feeling. I was actually happy to see a yellow school bus.

Despite the fact that my kids were well past the age of taking the school bus seeing one that day was no less meaningful to me.

We were coming out of the pandemic and the yellow school bus was a sign that life was returning to normal. Even with the obvious downside of being caught in slower traffic and my morning commute would be delayed there was a much bigger idea that I could embrace.

The bigger idea transcended the bus’s functional purpose.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #531: Reach and Frequency

In the olden days, there were two factors that were utmost for a radio station to succeed: Reach, and Frequency.

Reach was about the signal.  Without a good signal, it was hard to build a bigger audience.
Frequency wasn’t about where on the dial a station was. It was about what are now called listening “occasions” – how often or how long someone chose to listen to you.

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Frost Advisory #678 – What’s Michelangelo Have To Do With It?

It is said that Michelangelo is the greatest influence on western art in the last 500 years. Most of his sculptures, paintings, architecture works, and poetry were in service to the church. When asked how he was able to accomplish his most famous sculpture The Statue of David, he responded simply,

“I just took away everything that didn’t look like David.”

That’s a quote that I often refer to when coaching talent.

Michelangelo lived in a time where most of the art in the world was influenced by the Christian faith. Today, obviously, we live in a much different time. In fact, our faith is virtually absent from culture and the public square. That is, with one exception that perhaps you’ve not thought of.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #530: Why Choose Radio in the First Place?

A lot of young people who do want to a career in media aren’t even messing with radio. They only want to work in TV. Or do a podcast.

(Everyone and his dog does a podcast. And the dog usually has the more entertaining one. “Today on Barks and Recreation, we’re ruffing out what new flavor we’d like to see in dog biscuits.”)

Seriously, this is bad for radio, because finding a great air talent these days is already hard enough.  We need new people to come in, get trained, and shine. Continue reading

Frost Advisory #677 – The First Idea You Have Is Irrelevant

I just want to warn you this Frost Advisory is going to be a little different. But that’s okay because that is the point.

The CCM format is known for many good things; inspiring hope, encouraging people in difficult times, and offering a more eternal perspective.

But let’s face it, our format is not particularly known for being creative. We can all name well-known radio stations that don’t sound much different than they did twenty years ago.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #529: You Have Ten Seconds

You have ten seconds to “get” me… to make me want to listen to whatever else you have to say.

If you don’t get me in that ten seconds, then nothing else you do matters.  It’s simply human nature to decide quickly whether or not something is a waste of time.

So think about what that opening ten seconds of whatever it is you’re going to talk about is going to be BEFORE you open the mic.  No matter how good you are, this is something you can improve.

Frost Advisory #676 – Does Your Station Have A Flag In The Ground?

On this 54th anniversary of man on the moon I reckon’ it’s a good time to bring it up.

With the historic words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon, followed closely by the planting of the American flag to show that the USA was first in this historic achievement.

Radio stations whose foundation is “Beliefs and Values” have an opportunity to communicate that position by putting their flag in the ground.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #528: Go, Stop, Go – A Voice Tracking Tip

There are so many voice trackers these days, and if you’re in that world you know that it’s hard to keep improving if you’re not on the air in real time and don’t get any feedback that you can trust.  Here’s a simple system I recommend that’ll improve your work and keep you sharp.  It’s “go, stop, go.”

Go. Record an hour of breaks. Continue reading