Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #523: Did You Get Noticed Today?

Times have changed.  Local stations often don’t sound local.  Syndicated shows tend to talk about generic subjects because they can’t be specific to a certain city or state.  Huge radio companies are so weak in coaching the talent that many air talents have never had a coaching session.

So let’s start your process with a basic question:  Did you get noticed today? Continue reading

Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #522: Radio versus Social Media

It’s come to my attention that a lot of people actually take Twitter, Facebook, or other social media comments seriously.  Imagine that – someone you don’t know makes a comment, and you actually care.  I knew this day would come when they took the cocaine out of Coca-Cola.  (According to Facebook.)

I shudder to think – well, I don’t actually shudder; to do that, I’d have to stand up, and I can’t type very well standing up.  Anyway, I’ll ask Siri to remind me to imagine shuddering at the notion of a generation of people who have a real need for some sort of validation from strangers.

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Frost Advisory #669 – A Lesson From Bud Light, And Target, And On And On

When I wrote Frost Advisory #661 – What Christian Radio Can Learn From… Bud Light, I didn’t imagine there could be other companies that would say, “Hey, that’s a good idea” and follow along.

Silly me.

I’m told that Anheuser-Busch has lost 27 billion dollars in value since Bud Light decided to feature a “trans-athlete” on a Bud Light bottle.

As unlikely an example to follow it seems that Target did just THAT. Yes, the brand that appeals directly to young moms and kids decided there was another agenda. You know the story. They knew implications of Bud Light’s decision. But anyway…

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #521: Go in a Straight Line

What separates a “shaggy dog” story from one that entices a person to listen is whether or not it goes in a straight line.

Too many “side references” stall the story out and put it in neutral as far as the plot goes.  In real life conversations, people may listen.  But on the air, a minute is a long time.  (Want to argue the point?  Hold your breath for one minute, starting right… now.)

There’s also the danger of sounding like you’re interrupting your own thought.  This is a weird habit because at that point you’re just trying to sort out in your own mind how to tell the story.

I don’t have time to listen to that.

You need to be prepared and make the story march at a decent pace, but also be mindful of when a pause is needed.  We do want to sound as natural as possible, but we owe the listener being expedient, too.

Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #520: I’m Here, Just Not Talking

Years ago, I heard a very good morning personality say that his show, which was a team show, was just the cast members having a conversation, and people (the audience) just listening in.

Not a bad thought, but an incomplete one.

The truth is that you’re talking to your team AND ME – the listener. I’m right here. I’m just not saying anything at the moment.

Picturing the listener “at the table” with you is, to me, an essential overview. So I have to wonder why so many shows seem like they’re just “in the room” and I’m not.

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Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (mobile)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2023 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.

Frost Advisory #667 – When I Hear Your Story I Think Of My Story

Did you know that a lot of hotels don’t have a 13th floor? Seems that enough people have a weird superstition about the number 13 that they wouldn’t want to stay on that floor. Or something.

Well, this isn’t really Frost Advisory #667, it’s really #666. My editor (my dog Maggie) insisted that I change it to Frost Advisory #667 because she’s one superstitious golden doodle. I’ve learned not to tempt fate when Maggie puts her foot down. Or lifts it up for that matter.

But enough of that wild goose chase about my dog…

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