Frost Advisory #654 – Don’t Inform Me, Inspire Me

I was driving along minding my own business when the announcement came on the radio for “The National Bereavement Conference 2023!”

“Egad!” I thought.

Were they talking about an amazing get together of caring people that come alongside those whose lives are forever changed due to the loss of a loving spouse? You’d never know it by what sounded like the label to a file folder.

There is no promotion so brilliant that it can’t be made utterly ineffective through the presentation of data, such as a list of dates and times.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #507: The 5 Subjects (REVISED)

One of the first tips I wrote years ago was a show prep piece called “The 5 Subjects.”  Here in 2023, is an updated edition.

The 5 Subjects (a Content guide)

1. Job stuff.
Besides stories that grow out of the workplace, this also includes finances, “the family wallet,” too.  The economy affects our choices.  But I start this list with the job scenario because all Content is primarily about what you have in common with the Listener. Continue reading

Frost Advisory #653 – We Can Become The Listener

In my other life I announce some baseball games for the St. Louis Cardinals. Last week, a Hall of Famer member of their storied franchise passed away. While he had a significant 21-year playing career, he was mostly known to recent generations for being a broadcaster announcing 29 consecutive post seasons in a row on national television.

In hearing the tributes to Tim McCarver, I ran across an interview with the talented Derrick Goold of the St. Louis Post Dispatch where he talked about the craft of being a broadcaster.

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Frost Advisory #652 – Programming Lessons We Can Learn From The Super Bowl

The “leaky bucket.”

That’s PPM-talk for stations losing listeners by tuning away or turning the radio off. The traditional thought is that it is easier to keep listeners than to get them back. And darn logical that is, I reckon’!

But that’s only half the story. Or, should I say, two-thirds.

A recent study of 37 million listening occasions conducted by Coleman Insights and Media Monitors found that…

“Nearly two thirds of radio listening occasions are the result of a consumer turning on the radio, listening to a station and turning the radio off.”

Inside Radio
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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #505: Show Prep Starts at Home

By far, the thing I get asked about the most in coaching sessions is Show Prep.

First of all, if you use a “prep sheet” service, throw it away.  Generic subject matter, getting generic (if any) response is fool’s gold.  And unfortunately, it’s rampant.  People sitting at the computer trying to choose a subject and somehow “make it matter” is lame and boring. Continue reading

Frost Advisory #651 – Can We Be Friends?

In a world before computers, my classmates and I would gather by a bulletin board in the school hallway to find out our class assignment.

Did we get the good teacher or the one nobody liked? Did we get the teacher that would allow you to have some fun or the one that was strict? (My fifth grade teacher Mrs. Lay actually invited us to her house to watch the World Series. Those were different times, don’tcha know).

Seeing which teacher we got wasn’t the real goal of checking the bulletin board. No, we wanted to see if we’d be with our friends. I wanted to be with Rodney, David, Buddy, and Julian. And just maybe that pretty girl Marlene.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #504: A Good Lesson from a Bad Source

This is something to learn, albeit from a bad source.  The next time you’re watching TV, turn the sound off.  Now just watch the person onscreen.

You’ll be amazed at how much “over the top” acting is evident.  Exaggerated facial expressions; flamboyant, overstated physical movements; “surprised” reactions that almost look like you’re watching some ancient silent movie.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #503: Your Greatest Hits

After one of my recent tips came out, my associate and friend John Frost sent me an email saying: “When I was at KHTR in St. Louis, I hit a little slump in my on-air performance.  My Program Director suggested that I create a “best of” tape and listen to it every day on my way to work.  That way, I would have an objective reference point to what I did well, and it would help build my confidence since I was listening to my own work.”  The thought was “Yes, I can do this because I’ve done it.”

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