Frost Advisory #743 – The Gift Of Encouragement For Thanksgiving Week

This week’s Frost Advisory is a departure from my regular thoughts on how to make your radio station really snazzy and neato. Instead I’d like to take this moment during Thanksgiving week to encourage you in the important work you’re doing at your station.

I’m told that the word ‘encouragement’ means literally to pour courage into. This word appears over 100 times in the New Testament. In fact, Acts 9:31 describes the Holy Spirit as an Encourager.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #598: Real to Silly is Better than Silly to Real

The best Content is about real life situations, shared in little bursts. If you start with an unreal situation, there’s no emotional buy-in (unless you couch it as fantasy or exaggeration).

But going from Real to Silly is better than going from Silly to Real. (Knowing when to stop is the key to this – and I’ll share some thoughts about how to attain, or at least, sharpen this skill in a future tip.)

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Frost Advisory #741 – Everybody Knows What We’re Doing! Don’t They?

My talented friend Lisa Barry shared with me a lesson she learned from a lady who does sign language in church.

“In order to ‘sign’ a song about Passover, she has to start with Jerusalem, so she signs that first even though it’s not in the song yet. THEN, she signs Jesus, which is her index finger sweeping across in front of her. So the song makes sense with Jesus walking into Jerusalem. Even though in the song Jerusalem comes second.

With sign language you have to start with the ‘what’ because otherwise, there’s no context to what you’re about to say. You start with the ‘what’ and then you can give them the ‘who’ and ‘what’s happening’.”

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Frost Advisory #739 – What Questions Are We Answering?

Maybe you’ve figured me out. Perhaps you’ve noticed that many of my 739 Frost Advisories have centered on what is relevant in the headlines. Christmas, New Years, Mothers Day, the Super Bowl and the World Series have all been reference points for many of these missives over the last 14.2 years.

There is no larger common ground than RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. (Also the reason why ANYTIME/ANYWHERE radio falls short).

So, if the election season is the current reference point I figured I better write about it before November 5th election day.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #594: The Best Conversations Are Made of SHORT Sentences

The best conversations – whether that’s between you and a listener, you and a guest, or you and a partner in a team show – are made of SHORT sentences.

The longer the sentences, the more the boredom factor is going to set in.
We live in a hummingbird-attention span generation right now. Everybody texts. (And we don’t even text full WORDS. We don’t have time to put “OK.” We can only type “K.” That extra letter just saps our energy.)

Think about this, because chances are, if I listen to your show today, I’m gonna hear you talking in sentences that are much too long and bore people to death.

Or maybe not. You could be really great. But you probably still need this tip as a reminder.

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Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (mobile)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2024 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.