Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #433: Two Workshop Thoughts

Some coaching sessions are what I call “workshop” sessions, where instead of concentrating on one thing, we talk more about the bigger picture, and how to reach a higher level.

It’s not all pie in the sky, though.  Even the best air talents need foundational reminders now and then.  Returning to our overall vision clarifies things and takes us out of the “critique” space.  Here’s an example, an excerpt from a recap of a recent session with Dave & Tristi, the fine morning team on 89.5 KTSY in Boise:

  1. Always have a solid ending in mind first.  If you do, constructing the story will be far easier.  Trying to tie a bunch of divergent facts together at the end is why writers and performers get stumped.  Knowing that the Ending is going to resonate relaxes the whole writing (or composing in your head) process.
  2. An economy of words results in fewer overreactions, phone solicitations get easier and more natural-sounding, and you weed out phrases that sound like ‘liners.’  You don’t want to constrict yourself so much as just trim things down, so they make more impact.

Sessions like today’s, with two premium talents who are always receptive… well, that’s why I enjoy the “workshop” environment so much.  (As opposed to the actual Shop classes in school, where the instructor always seemed to be missing a finger.)

Frost Advisory #579 – What’s Your Station’s Greatest Feature?

Out of the mouth of babes.

It is an expression often connected to the perspective of someone with little or no knowledge of the inner workings.

I recently spent time with an industry pro. He’s been a major market morning man for decades at big stations you’ve heard of. He’s a Christian guy, a PK even, but has never worked in Christian radio. My colleagues and I are doing our best to nudge him to apply his immense talent in our format. Then, out of the mouth of babes…

“Your format thinks too small,” he blurts out.

“Tell me more,” we inquire.

“If your station can be what you say – transformative in someone’s life – then why do you spend 99% of your time focusing on the nuts and bolts, the songs, the artists, the deejays, the features – the stuff any radio station can do. Why don’t you focus on what is most meaningful?” he says from an outsider’s perspective.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #432: MEAN Something

There’s this great scene in the old Paul Newman/Robert Redford movie “The Sting.”  Redford’s character is questioning about the scam they’re pulling on the bad guy (played by Robert Shaw), and asks, “Do you think it’ll work?”  Newman’s character answers, “Relax, kid.  We had him twenty years ago when he decided to BE somebody.”

This has actually become a microcosm of the world we’re living in.  Everyone hungers to “BE something” even if it’s just for a few seconds.  A Twitter posting, a picture that gets “liked” by some social media throng.

Let’s apply this to radio.  In coaching over 1700 air talents, I’ve found that it’s always a challenge when someone says he or she wants to ‘be’ somebody (to the listener).  While you can certainly strive for that, that’s the shallow end of the pool.  The real aim should be to MEAN something to the listener.  When you’re the person who weighs in on what’s relevant in my life consistently, that emotional connection IS the point.

You don’t just have ‘name value;’ you have actual value.

Frost Advisory #578 – A Programming Lesson From September 11th

We forget, don’t we?

We forget what real people go through every day.

We forget the messages they are bombarded with, the struggles they face, the negative influences on their kids.

Real people perceive your radio station within the context of their own lives. Don’t ever forget it.

Often they tune in to get away from the negativity, to be affirmed for the good in people, and to be reminded of the hope we can have through our faith.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #431: Fewer Words

It’s never a bad time to work on using fewer words.  Here’s why…

When you pare down the word count, it helps you cut through the ‘blah blah’ all over the dial and sound more specific, which tends to “imprint” more on the mind.

It’s a paradox, but using more words rarely makes something clearer.

(Note: This tip started out as a full page of 240+ words, but I cut it down to just 55.)

Frost Advisory #577 – Programming Lessons From The Weather Channel, Part Two

On last week’s show I delved into what we could learn from The Weather Channel as Hurricane Ida hit the Gulf Coast. Well, a week later many of us are still cleaning up after the storm flooded the northeast. In fact, my friends Matt and Cari had to be evacuated from their home in New Jersey by boat. Fortunately, they and their cat LBK are safely relocated to a nearby hotel.

Since the impact of the storm is still just as relevant as last week I thought I would continue drilling down into what we can learn from The Weather Channel.

The power of NOW. In our format we talk a lot about “common ground,” usually referring to things like lifestyle, values, and spiritual vernacular. However, ‘now’ is the one thing we most have in common. Everyone is living in that moment. Weather, specifically severe weather, is the ultimate shared experience.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #430 – We Have To Sound Smart

In the course of some coaching sessions, I sometimes have to discuss grammar with an air talent.  It’s painful to correct “between he and I” (which should be “between him and me,” of course) or “Us guys love Fantasy Football.” (Uh huh.  So I guess the Queen song was “Us Will Rock You?”)

More than once, I’ve been met with how that’s “nitpicking” or asked, “Why does it matter?”

Here’s why it matters… unless we sound intelligent, like we actually passed seventh-grade English, we can’t be taken seriously.  Think about that.  Maybe in a time of true darkness, when something really serious has happened, you won’t be the listener’s first choice.  Because serious events or issues need serious and uplifting thoughts, and it takes a thorough knowledge of vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar to be able to inform or comfort people.

Frost Advisory #576 – What We Can Learn From The Weather Channel

As you’re reading this, Hurricane Ida has made landfall on the Gulf Coast as an extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane. Having lived in Florida for 25 years, I’m well aware of the life-altering impact of major storms coming ashore. Floridians can quickly transform into amateur meteorologists binge watching The Weather Channel. It’s never a good thing when you see Jim Cantore standing in your front yard.

We can learn a lot from The Weather Channel…

The power of winning moments. While it’s important to minimize things that result in listeners tuning away, playing defense isn’t the same as winning. The Weather Channel uses graphics, camera angles (literally), on the scene reporters, and live action video to keep viewers coming back for what Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen would call ‘listening occasions.’ We all want to know WHAT’S THE LATEST?

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #429: Turn Down the Volume

We don’t broadcast in a vacuum.  Turn on the radio or the TV (or any audio streaming service), and maybe the first thing you’ll notice is how LOUD things are nowadays.

Screaming commercials, “big voice” ANNOUNCEMENTS, local commercials where some car dealership’s relative who’s never had any coaching bleats out the ad copy, commercials or promos that seem twice as loud as the TV show… Sports announcers screaming at you because the crowd noise around them apparently makes them forget that they have a microphone – it’s just an assault on the senses sometimes.

Here’s how you avoid being part of that noise monsoon: Turn down the volume.  Be emotionally invested, and trust that being enough.  Yes, you want to be ‘animated’ in what you say, but “energy” is overbilled.  To be truly heard, you should cultivate an ear-friendly delivery.

More expression, less volume.

Frost Advisory #575 – If You Build It They Will Listen

Last week Fox televised a Major League Baseball game that was played in the proverbial middle of nowhere – a cornfield in Iowa. And get this, it was the most watched regular season game in 16 years.

So what’s the deal? Was its success simply nostalgia for a movie made 30 years ago?

In a sport that these days can seem more about exit velocity, spin rates, and animated strike zones, this ballgame in a cornfield at the Field of Dreams went the other direction.

Baseball with a small b

This game, like the movie before it, was a storybook about the average Joe (shoeless, no less) and second chances, discovering your purpose, and the opportunity to live a dream even if only for one inning.

“You know, we just don’t recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they’re happening.”

Doc “Moonlight” Graham
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