Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #266 – Throw Me Into The Pool

If you’re having trouble getting into Content, well, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger.  Every air talent either struggles with this at some point, or worse, doesn’t know yet that they’re struggling with it. : (

There’s lots of coaching available on this, including my own.  We’ve all heard the “Headline first, then tell the rest of the story” thing, for example.  And there’s tons of stuff about how to construct a story, how to physically lay out a story in just bullet points, etc., and what a great ending should be.

But here’s the problem:  You don’t really know until you know.  Human beings may become aware of things and intellectually understand them through reading and talking with people about them, but in the long run, we really only learn through experience – trial and error.

So let me try and help you with the single most important step in doing any sort of Content on the air – the way it starts.  My friend Brian Yeager sent a break to me the other day in the aftermath of the 4th of July that began this way:

“I’m not proud of what I did, but… I mean, you know what it’s like.  The folks that are up all night after the 4th of July blowin’ off the leftover fireworks… I mean, that’s what it was last night at my house.  I recorded a little bit of it; you’ve gotta hear this…”

Then he went on to play the sounds of loud fireworks exploding and his daughter’s chihuahua being completely freaked out by them – and his letting the dog go, which chased off the guy doing the fireworks, complete with our hearing “get this dog off me!”  It was really imaginative, and the use of sound made it three dimensional and ultra-visual.

He asked me what I thought before he aired it, and I texted back:  “Good, but the beginning is just about you (the first sentence was “I’m not proud of what I did”) and it kind of lurches along for a few seconds.  Just start with “Here’s what happened last night,” and hit the sound effects.  From there on, it’s fine.”

Like a lot of people, he just couldn’t get “traction” for a few seconds.  (And fyi, one of my basic rules is to not start with “I – me – my” stuff – which is just you talking about you – and instead, either start with the Subject first, then tell your story, or start with the Listener first, then tell your story.)

So the key challenge here is to stop wasting words in overly elaborate setups, and get on into the Subject as concisely as you can.

It’s kind of like swimming lessons.  In an episode of “The Big Bang Theory,” Sheldon Cooper says he learned to swim by watching videos online.  But of course, that’s not swimming.  He’d learn more quickly if somebody just threw him into the pool.

And a lot of the time, that’s what works best on the air, too.  Just throw the listener into the pool – put the listener IN the story, then move on.  Try it.  You’ll save a lot of time, and as we now know, you really only have a few seconds to connect with the listener.  Be expedient.

The first version of Brian’s break was 1:06 long.  The version he did on the air, with the slimmed down intro, was only 55 seconds.  ELEVEN full seconds cut out, and the break was actually better for it.

Here it is:

By the way, Brian is remarkable in that he’s not even a regular on-air talent.  He’s the general manager of the station, and was just filling in on morning drive!

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