Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #333 – Friendly Competition

Great radio stations are different from just “radio stations where people work.”  Great stations know who they are, who the listener is, and have air talent that competes with each other on who will have the best “moment” that day.

They also root for each other to have their own memorable moments, too.  Being the best player on a team with only one or two good players – well, there’s no real joy in that.  We should want to lift each other up and challenge each other to do really good radio.  Every day.

When that happens, as my dear friend “Brother Jon” Rivers says, you reach “critical mass” and your station explodes in all directions with great ideas and a palpably good morale.  And an almost automatic level of success, because it’s actually easier to do good radio than it is to do lame radio.  CARING is its own reward, and triggers endorphins that make you feel good about yourself, your life, and your career.

I like to think that coaching is the art of bringing this spirit alive in Talent; showing each air talent what he or she does best, and working on eliminating what we don’t do well.  It’s never just about Xes and Os and techniques.  It’s about a sense of the Art of communication.  So, if your station lacks coaching, here are three free “starter kit” lessons:

  • “What can I say about this that the listener might actually notice?” is where it all begins.
  • “What can I say that won’t be typical?” is the second step.
  • “What can I say that is unique to me?” is when it starts to really blossom.


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