Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #589: A Link in the Chain

Early in my career, working at a 50,00 watt Top 40 giant, KEEL in Shreveport, Louisiana, I got a huge break.

Although I was probably the weakest air talent on the staff, my PD made me Music Director. (I’m a musician. That helps.)

All of a sudden, I had WORTH. I controlled the music we played. It was important. I became a link in the chain of terrific jocks we had.

Knowing that my boss had confidence in me, even though I was raw and untrained on the air, spurred me on to learn as much as I could from then on. (That led to the highest ratings in Shreveport history, #1 ratings in both Houston and Dallas, and being inducted into the Texas Radio Hall of Fame. And later, to my now 25-year career as a Talent Coach.)

If you’re a Program Director, consider this. The minute someone feels like a link in the chain, the chain gets even stronger.

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Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (mobile)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2024 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.