Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #591: The Easiest Way to Prep Content – End with the Beginning

An interesting point came up in a recent session came from an air talent I’ve worked with for years. She was talking about how a break can go wrong if you’re not sure of how you’re going to start. This was my feedback…

Here’s the process that I’ve found works best:

  1. Decide on a subject’s “worth” and what camera angle to use on it that will connect with the listener the easiest.
  2. Plan an “out.” You may not use it; a “First Exit” may pop up, and you take it instead. But do plan an ending, so you have one ‘in the bank’.
  3. THEN plan how you’re going to start. Write down a few words if you need to. Rehearse it out loud if you need to. (And most people do need to; they just think it’s not necessary. They’re usually wrong. Tom Hanks rehearses, but you don’t? Okay…)

The reason I put the Beginning last in the prep phase is because I want that last thought to be the first thing in my mind when, still fresh, I start the break. This simple way of laying out a break should help you.