Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #605: A Challenge for You in 2025

Okay, we’ve gotten Christmas and New Year’s over with, we’re all going to try to lose 10 pounds, and now we have to settle down and go to work.

So here’s a challenge for you in this next year: Try something different; something you’ve never done before.

I don’t mean skydiving or spelunking. I mean try something different on the air.

Maybe it’s creating a little feature in the Production room – a parody commercial, or a parody song, or a parody of your own show. SOMETHING that isn’t the same old stuff you have in your bag of tricks.

It could also be something you do in a different (or adjacent) format, like a blog or a podcast. STRETCH. LEARN. Take a chance, for Pete’s sake.

If you never try anything new, you’re already a Brontosaurus.