If you play a song I love, I’ll listen.
But, when you get into Content, if you can’t reveal something that you and I have in common, I’m not going to listen to you very long.
It’s sort of like dating someone you’re head-over-heels for, but they just kind of like you. That’s not the basis for a great relationship.
Here’s how we bond:
What do you feel about something that’s on my mind, too?
If there’s some sort of “secret” to being great on the air, that’s it. It sounds simple, and it is, to a degree. But of course, the next step is how you put that Content on the air.
That’s why I keep sharing these tips, to lead you through this ongoing challenge. If nothing else, maybe you’ll put just a little more thought into what you’re doing. And that’ll be good for both you and the listener.