Tommy Kramer Tip #154 – A Coaching Tip About Coaching

Okay, so you’d like your air staff to get better, but you don’t think you can afford someone like me or Randy Lane or Valerie Geller.

Let me help you with this thought:  “It’s not ever about how good we are today.  It’s about what we can do tomorrow to get even better.”

True coaching isn’t scolding or critiquing.  It’s helping a talent always be refining things to get to another level.  Strategy – the station’s strategy, the sound you want your jocks to have, the momentum you want to build into your formatics – dictates Tactics, NOT the other way around.

A CHR station, for instance, probably won’t do well with the typical “Rock Dog” approach we still hear on way too many Rock or Classic Rock stations.  So you have to shape the on-air approach accordingly.

I would add two more guidelines:  [1] One “big” thing, one “little” thing per session.  For most air talents, this is all they can handle.  Some advanced talents can handle more points, but I’d still shy away from a “laundry list” of things in any one session.  [2] Be patient, but direct and specific in letting a talent know what you’re after.  “I’ll know it when I hear it” only means that you’ll never hear it.  Call a PLAY.

That’ll hold you until you can find the budget to hire a truly great talent coach.  (The two people I mentioned are excellent.  No doubt there are a few others.)

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Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (iPhone)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2016 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.

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