Tommy Kramer Tip #184 – No Excuses

It seems like one of the main themes of life in the 21st century is dodging accountability.  I see this all the time, where a talent needs to hear something in order to improve, but if it’s not sugar-coated or paired with pleasant compliments first, they reject it simply because it wasn’t delivered gift-wrapped like they wanted.

So rather than working on getting better, they pout, and think that complaining about it or giving off a wounded vibe will buy them some time.  Yeah, right.  Time to stand still.

If you’re the talent, you should never settle for this.  If you’re not learning more, you’re going backwards.

As a programmer, never let a talent point the finger at the boss or the coach.  Give them a homework assignment instead, like listening to a station or specific air talent they can learn from.  Don’t ever mollycoddle the notion of not trying to get better EVERY DAY.

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Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (iPhone)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2016 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.

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