Tommy Kramer Tip #205 – Make Your Other Audio Sources Worth My Time

We hear about them hundreds of times a month:

Online streaming.
Radio station smartphone apps.

Let’s take a look at these, one at a time…

Have you ever LISTENED to your online streaming?  Often, it’s just awful.  And often, it’s okay quality, but crashes and goes to dead air after a few minutes.  And you can’t expect one of the multi-station streaming sites to care about your audio like you do… or like you should.

Make sure your phone app works.  TEST it.  You’d be surprised at how many don’t work well at all.  An app that fails, then requires a reset, gets ONE more try – maybe.  Then I never try it again; you had your chance.

Podcasts:  Check your audio.  “It’s only a podcast” doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t deliver a truly quality product.  People EXPECT it.

Before you plug your online streaming, your phone app, or your podcast again on the air, make sure that it works effortlessly and consistently.  If I go to it and it’s subpar, your credibility in even PROMOTING it is gone.

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